After Hours with Nicole


Nicole Giordano is a multi-media staple in the Central Valley. Radio, television, magazines, events, social media, podcasts, and Youtube.

Nicole has worked in media since the age of nine, an industry that has spoken to her from the beginning. While earning her bachelor’s degree in Sociology at The University of California, Irvine, she maintained her love of broadcasting after becoming a correspondent on a CBS affiliate station. From there, she moved to Paramount Studios covering red carpet events with appearances on Entertainment Tonight. All the while, developing online projects with In Touch Weekly and Eye on Style.

Returning to the Valley, Giordano produced and hosted programming blocks on the CW Network and appeared regularly on KMPH’s Great Day and Valley Life. With a passion for music and intent to cover multiple platforms, Nicole created the music blog, My Indie Nation, which developed into an energetic Comcast video series, highlighting new artists from all over the globe. With more than a decade of radio experience beneath her, she continues to bring her colorful style to Y101 After Hours!

Nicole loves her family and being a Mom. She thrives on discovering new music and is inspired by vintage fashion. You can catch her on-air each weeknight from 7pm-Midnight and all throughout the day representing the many brands she endorses.
